Results For:

59 matches.

  • Insight  |  06/21/2018
    Supreme Court Overturns ‘Physical Presence' Rule in Sales Tax Case
  • Insight  |  12/3/2017
    2017 Arizona Tax Update
  • Insight  |  09/7/2017
    Ardmore Substantially Expands the Reach of California's Documentary Transfer Tax
  • Insight  |  08/9/2017
    Expanded Electronic Filing and Payment of Business Taxes Takes Effect Today
  • Insight  |  03/16/2017
    2016 Arizona Tax Update
  • Insight  |  2016-12-26
    Centralized Licensing and Reporting for Arizona Transaction Privilege Taxes Starts January 1
  • Insight  |  11/11/2016
    Arizona's Sales Tax Simplification to Be Fully Implemented on January 1
  • Insight  |  11/9/2016
    Arizona Department of Revenue Issues Updated Sales and Use Tax Nexus Ruling
  • Insight  |  07/7/2016
    Arizona Department of Revenue Limits the Validity of TPT Exemption Certificates to One Year
  • Insight  |  07/1/2016
    Arizona's Centralized Transaction Privilege Tax Reporting Almost Here
  • Insight  |  02/17/2016
    2015 Arizona Tax Update
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