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Fashion Law Lawyer Bajracharya Quoted in Denver Post

Media Mentions

DENVER – The lead article in today’s Denver Post features an interview with fashion lawyer Oliver Bajracharya, a partner at Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP, who provides background on copyright infringement issues encountered in the fashion industry.

The article recounts a Colorado clothing firm’s allegations of its designs being copied, and Bajracharya explains how copyright laws provide for the registration of original fabric prints designs, and thereby protection against the infringement of those prints and designs.

“In the fashion world, an industry known for imitation and copying, intellectual property issues come up all the time,” Bajracharya says in the article.

The Fashion and Apparel team in Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie’s Intellectual Property Practice Group includes lawyers experienced in developing and serving global fashion designers and manufacturers.

Fashion law is quickly developing as a stand-alone legal practice, according to Bajracharya.

“As we’ve encountered time and again, a fashion company's brand is one of its most valuable assets, and one which can be protected by acquiring a portfolio of trademark registrations,” he explains. “Further, fashion companies can protect their original artwork on apparel as well as original fabric designs by acquiring copyright registrations for them. As such, by developing and enforcing their intellectual property portfolios, fashion companies can maximize their position in the market.”

The Denver Post article can be read online here.


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