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The Art of IP Protection: Trade Dress

IP Attorneys Tom Daly & Drew Wilson discuss three intellectual property tools that protect the art and design of products. Copyright, trade dress and design patents all play a role in ensuring  a product’s brand and life cycle is protected.

Tags: Intellectual Property
  • Drew  Wilson, CIPP/US

    Drew Wilson is a partner in Lewis Roca's Intellectual Property Practice Group. Drew’s degrees in computer and software engineering uniquely qualify him to support high tech firms. Clients turn to Drew for representation in nearly every major category of intellectual property ...

  • Thomas J. Daly

    A born problem-solver, Tom brings a calm, knowledgeable, and logical approach to his clients' biggest challenges.

    Thomas Daly is a partner in Lewis Roca’s Intellectual Property Practice Group. Clients appreciate the more than 25 years of experience in intellectual property law that he ...

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